Центр Digital October выступит организатором конференции DEMO и презентаций стартапов и новых продуктов из России, СНГ, Европы и Израиля для венчурных инвесторов со всего мира, а также топ-менеджеров европейских и российских технологических компаний.
DEMO — конференция, посвященная новым технологиям и инновациям. На конференции демонстрируются перспективные разработки и представляются прорывные идеи и проекты в области информационных технологий.
За 22 года на конференцию было заявлено боле 20 тыс. проектов, из которых 1500 было отобрано и представлено публике. На DEMO запускались WebEx, Palm Computing , TiVo, Leapfrog, Shopping.com, Salesforce.com, SHAZAM, Netscape Navigator, Java, Skype Mobile и другие стартапы и новые продукты.
За пределами кремниевой долины в 2010–2012 годах прошли конференции DEMO Asia (Сингапур), DEMO China (Пекин), DEMO Africa (Найроби).
DEMO is the launchpad for emerging technology and trends. Each year over 2,500 people from around the globe attend DEMO to experience innovation at its birth. At each DEMO event, a hand-selected class of new products are introduced to the world for the very first time to global press and prolific bloggers; investors; corporate acquirers; strategic partners and buyers.
In just the past five years, DEMO companies have raised well over $4.5 billion dollars in the months/years following their debut at DEMO. More than 50 companies have been acquired by tech giants, such as Adobe, Cisco, Google, Microsoft, Motorola, Nokia, Symantec, Viacom, Yahoo!, and more.
The feel you get when you enter DEMO is unlike any other conference. Each company is given just six minutes on the DEMO stage to truly demonstrate how their product will change the world. No PowerPoint or flashy corporate presentations allowed. Just the founders and the technologies many are staking their careers on. It doesn’t get any more straightforward and fast paced than that.
While the DEMO stage is the place to witness each technology as it is unveiled, the DEMO Pavilion is where the real action is. It’s a perfect environment to network, research, form meaningful and strategic relationships, and—yes—even close some deals. Here, investors and potential partners can get a close up look at the latest trend-setting technologies. It’s not just a place for more face time, but for more eyes on-the-product time.
Opportunities abound to connect and interact with the DEMO audience on a more informal level throughout the show. Each DEMO is packed with networking events to help facilitate audience interactivity – including cocktail receptions; private dinners for demonstrators and Dealmakers; a rockin’ late night soiree and a special awards program.