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Join us in our 3C adventure: Conduct.Communicate.Contribute. GECon 2018 Let's grow together!
GECON 2018
- 3 streams
- 300+ participants
- 30+ experts
- 20 talks
10:30 Our Journey: Trails and Turbulence
10:40 Agile Transformation of Teams
- The Benefits of Going Agile
- Transformation Planning
- Transformation Stages
- Why Do Agile Transformation Struggle?
- Which Framework to Choose?
- Patterns and Anti-Patterns
Building Microservice-Oriented Applications with .NET Core
- Infrastructure
- Communication
- Domain Driven Design
- Resilency
- Security
Architecture Transformation
Engineering Excellence Pills for Sick Delivery
Spoiler: project suffers from lack of visibility and not optimal quality; EngX used as a mean to treat customer dissatisfaction and get back to track with quality improvements
- Project setup with similarity to other projects across BU/EPAM
- Main pain-points (i.e. lost customer credits, lack of visibility, etc.)
- EngX as a tooling process to fix the main pain points
- Obstacles on the way implementing it
- Preliminary results of a number of iterations
- Take-away: customer is an integral part of improvements, culture is a key
Reactive Applications with Vert.x.
The main goal of this talk is to make some overview of reactive applications, how to create them using java tools/frameworks like Vert.x and spring boot 2. What are the pitfalls and what should be considered during development. Live coding/demo and samples!
Building Trustful Relationship with Client
AEM and Single Page Applications (SPAs)
Take a journey building all new components designed from the ground up for Single Page Applications. This is a practical walkthrough on the new AEM 6.4 Feature Pack (releasing 2H 2018).
Disaster Recovery Strategies: Design, Infrastructure and Cost
In this session attendees will familiarize with the latest backup and recovery features in Azure Cloud, review best practices, patterns and common Business Continuities and Disaster Recovery strategies.
In addition, attendees could evaluate recommended design and BCDR approach; improve knowledge base in architecture of failover and redundant geo-distributed infrastructures in the cloud. Presentation is based on the real life enterprise BCDR strategies and contains real projects estimations and examples from Financial and Oil and Gas Industry projects.
The session is aimed on Cloud Engineers, DevOps and Solution Architects.
Новые подходы к управлению проектами на базе ПО SAP
TelescopeAI Story
EPAM has 160+ internal tools used daily by every company employee. With more and more enterprises going digital, lots of companies experience the same challenges and needs that EPAM already solved. During this conversation we will explore how service-oriented approach in first place can turn into sellable platform.
Principles of Quality in Mobile Solutions
15:15 Smart Advertising with IoT Cloud
Testing on Prod (Without Pain and Humiliation)
In this talk I want to share my own experience on testing on prod. Juno users help company test and customize GIS algorithms and do not even know about it! How does it work? Let's discuss.
Story Mapping. How to Improve Communications between Business Analyst and Development Team
- Can we call user stories “requirements”?
- Working with user stories and flat backlog – what issues are we facing?
- What is story mapping?
- Using with flat backlog – together or instead of?
- Story mapping is not a “silver bullet”
- Examples
Demystifying Complexity of Data Science
At the moment there is a huge hype around Data Science (DS) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) and there is a huge need for the workforce.
With this talk, I want to emphasize that Data Science is not a Rocket Science and it is possible to become a successful Data Scientist.
Быстрая разработка корпоративных мобильных приложений на базе SAP Cloud Platform
Connected Cars Deployment Platform
Now days IoT is everywhere. Even in a coffee machine. Naturally, many car vendors injected modern technologies into their cars. The presentation describes vehicles connectivity platform for automotive industry. It allows download, deploy and run applications in cars,having possibility dynamically customize applications per car, owner, driver as long as have a receive software on air.
How to Make Bots on Microsoft Bot Framework
- What is Bot?
- Architecture of Bots
- Microsoft Bot features
- Design guidelines
- Best practices
- Bot build
- Analytics
- Demo
SAP Cloud Platform как средство быстрых инноваций для S/4HANA
Closing Ceremony