Meetup / Free of charge
Meta/conf: Mentors meetup
24 July 2024
Voronezh, Russia
Meetup / Free of charge
Митап РЕЛЭКС «Вам нужен Bun.js»
14 December 2023
Voronezh, Russia
Meetup / Free of charge
Cinimex BI Mettup
21 June 2023
Voronezh, Russia
Meetup / Free of charge
Backend meetup
21 March 2020
Voronezh, Russia
Meetup / Free of charge
QA meetup Воронеж
7 December 2019
Voronezh, Russia
Meetup / Free of charge
DevOps Meetup в Воронеже
16 November 2019
Voronezh, Russia
Forum / Free of charge
18 - 19 October 2019
Voronezh, Russia
Festival / Paid participation
GDG Devfest Voronezh 2019
12 October 2019
Voronezh, Russia
Meetup / Free of charge
Frontend meetup - Meta/conf
14 September 2019
Voronezh, Russia


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