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19:00 Flutter vs React Native (ru)
Andrei Lesnitsky
Весной Google анонсировал, что их framework для cross-платформенной мобильной разработки уже production ready. Но зачем? Есть же react-native. В докладе будет сравнение react-native и flutter, вместе разберемся, действительно ли Flutter готов к продакшену, и каково это - писать на Dart после JS?
20:00 Coffee break
20:20 Modern prototyping workflow with GraphQL and React (ru)
Alex Alexeev
I will show you my ideal approach for prototyping new ideas but I am sure it can fit a lot of real-life cases as well (especially for startups). I will explain how to easily create a GraphQL API for your database, add an additional layer for security and generate typings for your resolvers according to the used schema. We will also take a look at how to connect this backend to a simple React app (with Hooks? :)) and manage the deployment using Zeit now/ncc in a very easy and convenient way.