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Джейсон Хартлайн — профессор Northwestern University, один из ведущих мировых специалистов на стыке computer science и дизайна механизмов экономических систем.
В рамках научно-технического семинара в Яндексе Джейсон расскажет про методы A/B-тестирования дизайна аукционов.
18:00 Регистрация
19:00 A/B Testing of Auctions. Jason Hartline, Northwestern University
For many application areas A/B testing, which partitions users of a system into an A (control) and B (treatment) group to experiment between several application designs, enables Internet companies to optimize their services to the behavioral patterns of their users. Unfortunately, the A/B testing framework cannot be applied in a straightforward manner to applications like auctions where the users (a.k.a., bidders) submit bids before the partitioning into the A and B groups is made. This paper combines auction theoretic modeling with the A/B testing framework to develop methodology for A/B testing auctions. The accuracy of our method is directly comparable to ideal A/B testing where there is no interference between A and B.