🔴 CSS-Minsk-JS is the first English speaking front-end conference in Belarus.
It will take place on September 21-22, 2018 in Minsk, Belarus, at Victoria Olimp Hotel. Right after the conference all participants and speakers are invited to our awesome after-party!
It will be a 2 days 1 track event with workshops on both days:
✔️ CSS day (talks about CSS, SVG, a11y etc.) & JS workshops;
✔️ JS day (performance, frameworks, devtools etc.) & CSS workshops;
⚪️ 500+ developers will gather together to learn about the latest trends in CSS and JS world.
💬 Among the topics of the conference are:
→ web typography from the eastern languages features to variable fonts;
→ tensorflow.js and machine learning;
→ front-end performance: debugging issues, modern syntax impact;
→ creativity in 3D with Three.js;
→ coding standards and modern dev tooling;
→ BDD testing with Codecept.js
→ deep dive in CSS;
→ accessibility issues in web UI;
→ and many more!
⚫️ Our main goal is experience and knowledge sharing in the international community. We support ideas of open-web, opensource software and free access to knowledge.
The conference is organized by Minsk JS & MinskCSS communities together with SPACE Production SPACE EventSpace.BY and Lovata Software Development Company.
The line-up, speakers and tickets will be available soon at http://css-minsk-js.by/
👥 Join us to get all the freshest updates:
✅ Twitter: @CSS_Minsk_JS
✅ Telegram: CSSMinskJS
✅ Instagram: @css_minsk_js
✅ The official hashtag is #CSSMinskJS.