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Андрей ВласовскихРоссияBIO: Разработчик IDE PyCharm в JetBrains, эмулятора Vim для IDE на платформе IntelliJ. Автор библиотеки funcparserlib, генератора сайтов Obraz. Один из организаторов встреч по фунциональному программированию FProg.ru. Blog: http://pirx.ru Twitter: @vlasovskikh GitHub: https://github.com/vlasovskikh |
Володимир ГоцикУкраинаSenior Python developer в GetGoing Inc. Организатор конференций PyCon Ukraine, митапов Kyiv.py, воркшопов DjangoGirls Lviv, DjangoGirls Kyiv. |
Михаил КоробовРоссияMikhail is a software developer at ScrapingHub, were he works on web scraping, information extraction, natural language processing and machine learning. He is a Scrapy team member, NLTK team member and an author or contributor to many other open-source projects like pymorphy2 or psd-tools. |
Austin BinghamAustin is a founding director of Sixty North, a software consulting, training, and application development company. A native of Texas, in 2008 Austin moved to Stavanger, Norway where he helped develop industry-leading oil reservoir modeling software in C++ and Python. Prior to that he worked at National Instruments developing LabVIEW, at Applied Research Labs (Univ. of Texas at Austin) developing sonar systems for the U.S. Navy, and at a number of telecommunications companies. He is an experienced presenter and teacher, having spoken at numerous conferences, software groups, and internal corporate venues. Austin is also an active member of the open source community, contributing regularly to various Python and Emacs projects, and he’s the founder of Stavanger Software Developers, one of the largest and most active social software groups in Stavanger. Austin holds a Master of Science in Computer Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin. |
Андрей СветловИнженер в LevelUp. Python Core Developer, принимал участие в создании asyncio. Автор ряда библиотек для этой системы: aiohttp, aiopg, aiozmq, aioes и т.д. |
Максим ХарандзюкЗакончил Киевский Политех по специальности "Программная инженерия". С Python познакомился в DjangoStars где и проработал предыдущие два года. Сейчас сотрудник Cogniance. В свободное время пытаюсь внедрить TDD куда-нибудь. А в более свободное" люблю читать. |
Jacqueline KazilBIO: Jacqueline Kazil is a software developer passionate about human behavior, open data, and using software for good. In her professional life, she is a former Presidential Innovation Fellow and currently works in public service. She is currently working on her PhD in computational social science. She lives in Washington, DC, with her husband and their three rescued dogs. Twitter: @jackiekazil |
Андрей СолдатенкоПрограммирую на Python около 4 лет, занимаюсь автоматизацией тестирования в Wargaming и веб-разработкой (бэкэнд) в основном на Django в Toptal. Участник Pycon Ukraine 2014. |
Amir SalihefendicI am the founder of Doist, a company specializing in creating world class productivity software. Doist is mainly known for Todoist, a todo app that has helped people complete millions of tasks and projects. I have coded in Python since version 1.5 and have done some open source contributions such as: – https://github.com/Doist/bitmapist Apart from this, I have one of the most popular vimrc’s: https://github.com/amix/vimrc Occasionally I also blog on http://amix.dk/ |
David Mertz David is a Director of the PSF, and chair of its Trademarks Committee and Outreach & Education Committee. He wrote the columns, Charming Python and XML Matters for IBM developerWorks and the Addison-Wesley book Text Processing in Python, has spoken at multiple OSCon's and PyCon's, and was invited keynote speaker at PyCon-India, PyCon-UK, and PyCon-ZA. David works with folks who have built the world's fastest supercomputer for performing molecular dynamics. He is pleased to find Python becoming the default high-level language for most scientific computing projects. |