Meetup / Paid participation
Pizza Pitch в HSE{Inc}
25 April 2017
Moskva, Russia
Conference / Free of charge
Финал GenerationS-2016
25 April 2017
Moskva, Russia
Conference / Paid participation
Artificial Intelligence (AI) Conference 2017
25 April 2017
Moskva, Russia
Competition / Free of charge
Open Innovations Startup Tour 2017 в Астрахани
25 - 26 April 2017
Astrahan, Russia
Meetup / Paid participation
.NET Meetup
24 April 2017
Harkov, Ukrain
Lecture / Free of charge
The Greatest Codebreaker And His Mathematics
24 April 2017
Moskva, Russia
Сourse / Paid participation
DrupalSchool Весна 2017
24 - 28 April 2017
Novosibirsk, Russia
Meetup / Free of charge
Ruby митап №5
23 April 2017
Moskva, Russia
Hackathon / Free of charge
Однодневный хакатон по базам данных в МФТИ
23 April 2017
Dolgoprudnyy, Russia
Lecture / Paid participation
Open lectures «Найти себя в IT»
22 April 2017
Dnepropetrovsk, Ukrain
Meetup / Free of charge
MUG Dnipro: C# 7.0 и построение успешных API
22 April 2017
Dnepropetrovsk, Ukrain
Hackathon / Free of charge
22 - 23 April 2017
Saint Petersburg, Russia


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