Meetup / Free of charge
ElixirLangMoscow #5 (RamblerElixir #3)
14 June 2017
Moskva, Russia
Forum / Paid participation
B2B Communication Forum 2017
14 June 2017
Moskva, Russia
Hackathon / Free of charge
Social Spirit by #ТелекомИдея
9 - 11 June 2017
Moskva, Russia
Master class / Free of charge
Основы SMM для стартапов
8 June 2017
Moskva, Russia
Meetup / Free of charge
Unity Moscow Meetup #3
7 June 2017
Moskva, Russia
Exhibition / Paid participation
Russian Gaming Week Москва 2017
7 - 8 June 2017
Moskva, Russia
Hackathon / Free of charge
Хакатон Сбербанка и СберТеха в рамках StartUp Village
6 - 7 June 2017
Moskva, Russia
Conference / Paid participation
Мир ЦОД. Инфраструктура
6 June 2017
Moskva, Russia
Conference / Free of charge
IT-конференция Сбербанка «Продвижение»
3 June 2017
Moskva, Russia
Conference / Free of charge
Пятый Гипербатон
3 June 2017
Moskva, Russia
Master class / Paid participation
Юнит-экономика для стартапов
2 June 2017
Moskva, Russia
Meetup / Free of charge
CoLaboratory: Industrial Cybersecurity Meetup #3
1 June 2017
Moskva, Russia
Conference / Paid participation
Mobile Marketing & Monetization Conference.
1 June 2017
Moskva, Russia
Conference / Free of charge
DevCon School: Технологии будущего
1 June 2017
Moskva, Russia


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