Meetup / Free of charge
Moscow CocoaHeads
29 January 2016
Moskva, Russia
Meetup / Free of charge
28 January 2016
Moskva, Russia
Meetup / Free of charge
Moscow Scala Meetup
27 January 2016
Moskva, Russia
Meetup / Free of charge
Стартап-мафия на Integration Day
27 January 2016
Moskva, Russia
Training / Paid participation
ICAgile Certified Professional – Agile Fundamentals
27 - 29 January 2016
Moskva, Russia
Meetup / Free of charge
Московский клуб тестировщиков
23 January 2016
Moskva, Russia
Meetup / Free of charge
Inspired by Agile
21 January 2016
Moskva, Russia
Meetup / Free of charge
Lean Coffee: обсуждаем Agile в Open Space
21 January 2016
Moskva, Russia
Meetup / Free of charge
Эффективная стратегия для роста стартапа
19 January 2016
Moskva, Russia
Master class / Free of charge
Построение системы продаж для стартап-проекта
19 January 2016
Moskva, Russia
Conference / Free of charge
Открытие Зимней UX-конференции
19 January 2016
Moskva, Russia
Meetup / Free of charge
Early Birds: IT‑решения в транспорте и логистике
19 January 2016
Moskva, Russia
Сourse / Paid participation
Unreal Engine 4 | Базовый курс
18 - 26 January 2016
Moskva, Russia
Meetup / Free of charge
Встреча начинающих разработчиков игр
26 December 2015
Moskva, Russia
Сourse / Paid participation
Базовая стратегия продвижения игрового проекта
26 - 27 December 2015
Moskva, Russia
Meetup / Free of charge
DevsGo to GameDev Meet-up ep.9
23 December 2015
Moskva, Russia


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