Konstantin Volkov: "Asyncio & Email protocols"
Asyncio & Email protocols
Asyncio is modern Python framework which appeared just yesterday, but email protocols exists more then 30 years. When you start new project, you prefer newest technologies. What could happen if new ideas and concepts will be faced with the legacy of the last century? I will talk about why we decided to write own SMTP server on asyncio and what problems were waiting for us in this way. Also I will observe different email protocols, their asyncio implementations and how to work with them.
Konstantin Volkov
Russia. Saint Petersburg
Senior developer
Software developer more than 10 years. Half of them - managing teams, not always in IT. A contributor aiosmtpd project, was a lead of backend development team in Intermedia Advanced Email Security project.
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Ирина Сарибекова
+7 921 903-45-17