Piter Py #4 / Nicola Iarocci: "Cerberus, or Data Validation for Humans" / Saint Petersburg, Russia / 3 November 2017 - 4 November 2017

Piter Py #4

3 November 2017 (Fri), 10:00 - 4 November 2017 (Sat), 19:00

Nicola Iarocci: "Cerberus, or Data Validation for Humans"

Cerberus, or Data Validation for Humans
Soon or later in their career, every programmer has to deal with data validation. Be it a web, desktop or mobile application, you just cannot avoid data validation. A robust, powerful yet easy-to-use data validation library can be a valuable tool in your toolset. Cerberus is a lightweight and extensible open source data validation library for Python. It provides type checking and other validation, transformation and normalization rules out of the box and it is designed to be easily extensible and customized. During Beta, which has been around since 2012, Cerberus has been serving as the core validation system for the Eve REST Framework and other open source projects. Just recently the project has hit version 1.0, with many new features and enhancements added. In this talk, I will introduce the project, illustrate some real-life use cases, and show how easily it can be extended and customized to meet the most diverse needs.
Nicola Iarocci
Italy. Ravenna
Lead Developer, Co-Founder
CIR 2000
Nicola is a passionate Python and C# developer based in Ravenna, Italy. He is the co-founder of CIR2K where leads the development of Amica 10, an accounting software solution for small business. He is the creator and maintainer of a few open source projects like the Eve REST API Framework. Nicola is a Microsoft MVP and MongoDB Master. He runs DevRomagna, a local developer community, and CoderDojo Ravenna, a coding club for kids.
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