Vitaly Glibin: "Implementing rich email client in Python"
Implementing rich email client in Python
My talk is about the rich email client we had implemented at Huntflow to automate everyday clients work, what difficulties we had run into and how we had solved them, what email protocols should be supported in 2017 and which ones should be throwed away on a dump of the history.
Vitaly Glibin
Russia. Moscow
I have more than fifteen years of professional web-development experience in all of its areas: frontend, backend, testing and administration. For many years I’ve worked at HeadHunter, leaded frontend-development at Action Digital. For the last three years I've been co-founder and CTO at Huntflow, SaaS for the recruiters and hiring teams.
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Ирина Сарибекова
+7 921 903-45-17