- Introduction to Lean Startup
- Pivoting to Success: Couple of Case Studies
- Customer Development Demystified
- Safe-Fail Experimentation (SFE)
- Understanding SFE in action
- SFE Principles
- SFE Exercise
- Simon Simonek's Golden Circle and Vision-Strategy-Product Pyramid
- Build-Measure-Learn (BML) Cycle
- Designing and Validating MVP
- Introduction to the Problem, its context, potential users and their goals
- Form groups of 6 participants
- Craft out a Vision statement
- Define a strategy to achieve the vision
- Capture your business model using Lean Canvas
- State your value and growth hypothesis
- Explore different SFEs to validate each hypothesis
- Select one user group and design an experiment to validate your hypothesis
- Field trip
- Update your Lean Canvas based on your validated learning
- Share your validated learning with other groups
- Iterate (2 more field trips) to find real, paying customers
- Debrief
- Retrospective