Sergey Khaletskiy: GraphQL + Python today. Build Public API over GraphQL.
GraphQL + Python today. Build Public API over GraphQL.
Your product is already in production, the front-end receives data using HTTP requests. Each new block whether displayed on a page or in a mobile application requires the introduction of new or expansion of old end-points to provide data. Soon, your customers also want to request data directly. In addition, the business wants to receive additional income for access to them. On my presentation, I will try to consider cases regarding the applicability of GraphQL in the Python world, tooling and frameworks, as well as how GraphQL can help implement the Public API on an already completed project and simplify the life of the team.
Sergey Khaletskiy
Minsk, Belarus
Lead Software Engineer
Lead Software Engineer at Epam. For more than 6 years I have been using Python to solve business problems in various fields.
There is experience using Python in high loaded systems. In my free time I teach people to program in Python.