Linux Piter #4 / Bero Rosenkränzer: "Supporting multiple architectures: Going from x86-only to aarch64, armv7hnl, ... / Saint Petersburg, Russia, Online / 2 November 2018 - 3 November 2018

Linux Piter #4

2 November 2018 (Fri), 09:00 - 3 November 2018 (Sat), 19:00

Bero Rosenkränzer: "Supporting multiple architectures: Going from x86-only to aarch64, armv7hnl, x86 and RISC-V"


Supporting multiple architectures: Going from x86-only to aarch64, armv7hnl, x86 and RISC-V

OpenMandriva is a desktop centric Linux distribution that has been around on x86 for a long time - the upcoming 4.0 release will also be available on aarch64 and armv7hnl, and a RISC-V port is in the works.
This talk covers what we did to make this possible, what we learned from the experience, and how you can take your favorite projects to multiple architectures.

Bero Rosenkränzer
Switzerland. Filzbach
Developer and council member

Bernhard "Bero" Rosenkränzer has been working on Linux and related projects since shortly after the 1.0 release, and has contributed code to over 150 Open Source projects.
He is currently employed as Tech Lead of the Linaro Consumer Group (LCG). Outside of work, he is one of the main developers and a council member of OpenMandriva.

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